Thank you for finding out more about the ministry of Christ-St. Peter Lutheran School.

Your interest and support of our mission is essential. Please look over the list of ways you can help CSP have an even bigger impact on the lives of our neighborhoods’ children and families. We need your help to do the best possible job of providing a high-quality, Christ-centered education that inspires academic excellence and prepares our students for lives of Christian service.

  • Commit to weekly prayer for students, faculty, staff and board members
  • Take a tour and see a rigorous Christian, urban education in action
  • Help with community partnerships
  • Learn more about our ELL program and support for special needs students
  • Learn more about the Heritage and Annual Funds
  • Volunteer as a resource for the administration
  • Volunteer as a tutor for students
  • Serve on a sub-committee of the board
  • Donate

Make a Donation

To make a donation, you may use the secure "DONATE NOW" button below. After clicking, you will be directed to our secure donation site, provided by the National Christian Foundation. 100% of your donation will go to Christ-St. Peter Lutheran School.